Roasted Brussels Sprouts, Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato, Beets, Cranberries, Almonds & Caramelized Onions

Title: Roasted Vegetables
Author: Britney Shawley
Recipe type: Lunch
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Serves: 6 people
Roasted Vegetables are like candy in our home. You can choose any veg you want- sweet potato’s, potato’s, carrots, beets, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage… and whatever you choose… roasting them will enhance their sweetness. They are incredible on their own or along side wraps, panini’s, pizza, soups, sandwiches or anything your little heart can think of. We love them so much, I had to share how easy they are in hopes you will include them in many of your meals!
(use whatever vegetables you have on hand)
5 small beets, peeled and diced
2 large sweet potato, peeled and diced
1 butternut squash, sliced in half – seeds scooped out – peeled and diced
15 Brussel Sprouts, end cut off and quartered
1/2 cup dried cranberries (real juice)
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1-2 large onion, diced
3 tbsp, Avocado or olive oil
1- 2 tsp salt
2 tsp Braggs Soya Sauce, for onions
goat cheese (sweetened with honey)
Balsamic Glaze
Maple Syrup
Salt and pepper
garlic powder
- Preheat oven to 400F.
- Line 2 baking pans with parchment paper.
- Wash, peel and dice beets, sweet potato’s, squash to the same small size. Add to baking pan.
- Wash, cut bottom off brussel sprouts and then cut into quarters. Place on the second baking sheet.
- Drizzle on avocado or olive oil on all vegetables
- Sprinkle salt all over vegetables
- Pop both trays in oven and roast until the edges are slightly caramelized and soft.
- About 40 minutes depending on size and oven. Set aside and cool
- Caramelizing Onions: While Vegetables are roasting, begin to dice your onions, Keep them thin and even. Add to a Pan with coconut oil. olive oil or butter
- Move the onions around for 3 to 5 minutes. Add Soya Sauce to encourage caramelizing. Set burner to super low and let caramelize for 10 to 30 mins minutes. Once the onions are cooked down and look sugary on top, turn off burner and let rest until vegetables are done
For Assembling:
- Once vegetables are golden brown and soft, add them to a bowl. Add the caramelized onions, cranberries and sliced almonds and salt and pepper. Taste. If you need some more flavor add some garlic powder or balsamic glaze or maple syrup or goat cheese if desired. Serve with Love and enjoy!

Saving Money:
Use whatever vegetables you have on hand! No need to get these if you don’t have them. You can use carrots or cabbage or broccoli or cauliflower. Use what you have and it will still be delicious.

Quick Tips & Tools:
Big bowl, baking pan
I make these every week and use different vegetables to have it a wee-bit different each time.
You can roast:
sweet potato’s, potato’s, carrots, beets, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, parsnips… and really any vegetable especially root vegetables.
Double the batch, and eat them for snacks or as part of lunch the next day. Warm up on pan on stove top, or in toaster oven.
Try it in a pasta & Roasted Garlic!
I love to roast a ton of vegetables along side garlic. (I take a whole bulb of garlic and cut the top off. I drizzle avocado oil on top and let it dribble down sides of garlic bulb. I cover in tin foil and cook along side veg for about 25 minutes.)Once veg is roasted, add to a pan with coconut oil and the roasted garlic. Squeeze out each soft garlic bulb, or pull out with a fork and smash it with the back of a spoon or fork into the coconut oil. Add a few squirts of Bragg Soya sauce and salt! Mix it up & That’s it! Some might add pepper or feta cheese, but I love it simple. I can then throw this on pasta and add in the roasted vegetables. Its a whole new meal! Try it.
**These are excellent as a side to Thanksgiving!!!
*Thank you Delicious Orchards for Picture

Saving Time:
Pre-wash and dice before hand. When its time to cook, add oil and salt and pop in oven. They are great served hot, but are also delicious when cool. So its ok to let them sit for a bit if need be… just not fridge cold.

Set Your Intention:
I am Love. And I welcome Love to flow through me and into this meal, to greatly nourish and bless all who eat it.