Moms MasterMind
"We heal together, learn together, cook together, love together"
We are a Supportive Community of Moms who are learning to Love and Know Ourselves so we can be Mindful and Free our relationship to Self, Food and Family.
The Benefits of Joining our Community:
Consistent Soul & emotional nourishment
Connecting with like-minded mamas who understand
Increase confidence & know-how of your divine mission
Application of the Universal Law: Giving and Receiving
Increased confidence in Self and in Kitchen
Increased inspiration to cook and nourish everyday
Greater sense of ease & purpose when going about life
Learning how to have a healthy relationship to self, food, our children & partners
A sense of feeling heard/seen on a consistent basis
An understanding of Mind Training & how to do it
Learning that you are Loved exactly as you are
Gratitude to each other and our Creator
You experience this through: Shared experiences in our monthly (face to face) online discussions (PJ’s are welcome! and so are kid interruptions:))
Reading & applying the homework and the blog that is specifically curated for you
Continued engagement with & support from our community in our private Facebook group.

We meet on the FIRST:
Monday of Every Month
in an online private chatroom at 8:00pm est
“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.“- Jean Shinoda Bolen


Why people are joining our Community
1. Our Online Gatherings
During our monthly face-to-face online “Discussion & Study” Sessions, we focus on education and spontaneous communication. The goal is to learn how to recognize and effectively express our emotions, thoughts and feelings, so that we are more inspired, educated & motivated to be our true self and nourish ourselves and families everyday. The outcome of each gathering is often joy, along with clarity and relaxation.
2. Responsibility & Change
We assist each other in taking full responsibility for the mistakes and habits we have made that are no longer serving our health and overall well-being. Together we learn new tools and develop skills to assist in the changing of minds and reworking of habits. Through responsibility each of us becomes empowered to take charge of our mindset and our kitchen. The goal is to change what is not working and do only what is. This inspires focus, positive change & commitment.
3. Become an Expert in your Self
We learn about the power of our mind, how it works, and that our divine, true and loving self exists within us and others. We learn how to listen, how to ask, how to forgive and how to correct our thinking so we are aligned with our true self always, and in all ways. This is a journey we are on. Change takes time and practice. With the help of each other and consistent meetings, we learn how to bring that time of inner peace closer. When we feel calm and peace within, we can bring it into the kitchen, parenting and beyond.
The Topics We Explore in 2021:
Healthy Habits (& making bad habits more difficult)
Presence (how to become more present in cooking, cleaning & parenting)
Patience (how to have it and use it, even in the most stressful situations)
Blossom (How to evolve your thinking and overcome mom guilt)
Changeless reality (connecting with the eternal beyond the form/ yin & yang)
Listen – Learn – Do (The 3 magic steps to fulfilling your destiny)
Cooking (how to plan, cook and eat food with ease & joy)
Rest & Movement (How to embrace both in daily life and discover your WHY)
Light (where it comes from, how to use it as a power, how to BE the light)
Dark (where it comes from, how to not get stuck in it, how to undo / forgive it)
Asking as a Superpower (how to have a connected relationship to the universe / divine so you can ask / pray and receive)
Listening (To self, to others, to God, to our world and how to HEAR the divine and not ego)
Awakening to your wholeness, your health and your divine purpose
If you are unable to make the Live Meeting where we discuss these topics,
you will receive a recording of our meeting and all the homework, meditations & tools to partake in, regardless.
We help each other to overcome obstacles and to thrive in daily life,
so we can best serve our family and the world.

While you are here, please answer this questionnaire.
This helps me to know you more so I can serve you even better.