Halloween Candy: How We Deal With It
In 2018 I made this video with Ella about Halloween candy and what we do as a family when its in our home. I share some practical tips and tools to use when it comes to candy, and ways for you to help your self not eat it all when its in the home. (p.s coming from experience… I love chocolate. We all need a good love boundary sometimes)
Practical Tool for Your Kitchen
Kitchen Wisdom Poster
My community gets a complimentary copy of my FREE Kitchen Wisdom Poster PDF. I encourage you to print it out and hang it on your fridge or inside a cupboard as a daily reminder of your want to be, cook, live and be whole and healthy!!! Download Yours Today
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October 2019 #ActofLove #WholeandHealthyKitchen #WAHKinspired #WholesomeCooking #CookEveryDamnDay