Once over lightly eggs with sauteed tomatoes, kale & garlic

Title: Once over lightly eggs with sauteed tomatoes, kale & garlic on sprouted grain bread (optional).
Author: Britney Shawley
Recipe type: Breakfast
Prep time: 3 minutes
Cook time: 7 minutes
Total time: 10 minutes
Serves: 2 people
This may not be the prettiest looking thing…..but thankfully our motto is: “No glamour just great food!!”…ha!….in all seriousness though….. it’s my most favorite breakfast these days. I honestly can’t get enough.
Super fast and super delicious, this breakfast is a winner. If you are not a fan of warm avocado, leave that out or add in some curly kale instead. It turns nice and krispy like kale chips on your plate. Be sure to add raw garlic too. This is truly a breakfast to return to again and again.
4-5 eggs (organic & free range if possible)
1/2 to 1 container of small tomatoes, cut in half
1 avocado, diced
Oil of choice
salt to taste
pepper to taste
2 garlic cloves, minced
Feta cheese, crumbled (optional)
Curly Kale, ripped- no stems- (optional – and/or spinach or dark collard greens)
How to make it:
In a medium pan add a little bit of oil and halved grape or cherry tomatoes. Sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper over tomatoes. Let them sautee for about 3-4 minutes until slightly wilted. Add any greens that you are using. If kale, make sure gets nice and crispy, but not burned.
Then add garlic and give it a good stir for another minute until garlic is fragrant.
Then heat up your pan until it sizzles when you spritz water on it. Crack each egg into pan and let it cook for (approx) 2-3 minutes until the bottom is super crispy. Once it is, flip the egg for about 20 seconds and then take off pan so your yolk is still a bit runny. Add a pinch of salt and pinch of garlic powder to the top.
I then add avocado, cubed to our plates.
Add tomatoes (and greens) to the side of avocados, the egg beside that. Unless you want to serve on toast. Then place egg on top of toast. When eating, ensure to get tomatoes and kale with your bite of runny egg. OMG so good. Enjoy!

Saving Money:
Leave out avocado and feta. Regular tomatoes would work as well, just aim to cut out the seed before sauteing other wise they add too much juice. Also buy eggs in bulk from Costco or farmers market.

Quick Tips & Tools:
Medium Fry pan
The garlic adds immune boosting, blood sugar lowering and antioxidants to your meal. Also the delicious factor. I highly recommend using fresh raw garlic, minced, pressed or sliced.
Free range eggs is recommended. Aim to find farmers markets when you can.

Saving Time:
This is already a super dee-duper fast meal. It does not heat up well, so make sure you eat it piping hot!
Food is not just fuel. Food is about family, food is about community, food is about identity.
And we nourish all those things when we eat well. – Michael Pollan